1. Parent Zone
  2. Parent Liaison

Parent Liaison

Parental Involvement

We believe that the education of your child is based on partnership between home and school life. We welcome your contribution in the school as there are many areas of life in school which would be almost impossible without the help of parents. We never refuse an offer for help ...indeed we will often ask you for help. We ask for help both on a regular and occasional basis. This help will include classroom based activities and help to escort children on outside visits.


Parents' Evenings

You will be invited to three parents' evenings a year, two informal ones, one in the Autumn Term and one in the Summer Term after receiving your child's annual report. A more formal parents’ evening will be held in the spring and will give you a chance to discuss your child's progress in greater depth with the class teacher. Please try to attend, as it is important to your child. Teachers will always be happy to speak to parents about children's work at any time but it will usually be necessary to make an appointment to enable you to have the attention and privacy required.

Complaints Procedure

The Local Education Authority has established a complaints procedure for dealing with any concerns. When a parent has a complaint which is covered by this procedure, the matter should be discussed informally with the Head teacher. If the matter is not resolved, the parent should make a formal complaint in writing to the Chair of the Governing Body of the school. Names and addresses can be found on the parent's notice board. A further formal written complaint can then be made to the Local Education Authority if it cannot be resolved.