1. Parent Zone
  2. Attendance
  3. Attendance Strategies

Attendance Strategies


Weekly Recognition

In our weekly celebration assembly, each class has the chance of earning money to spend on anything of their choice! We encourage our classes to aim high and aspire to save up for something they would all really like! 

Teamwork really does make our dream work!

Class Savings Account

Classes must have an attendance figure of over 96% in the week to qualify for a cash reward!

Highest Class: £15

Second Class: £10

Third Class: £5


Bear Snuggles

Each class has their very own bear desperate to spend the week with them! Each class has the opportunity to give their bear a week of fun! 

If your child's class wants a chance of taking their bear back to class for the week, they will need to work as a team to get:

92% attendance in Summer 1.

As attendance improves together across school, we hope to raise our aspiration in this figure!


Monthly Recognition

To support improvement in attendance and a fair chance for all, every 4 weeks we hold a 100% attendance draw! The pupils with 100% attendance in that period of 4 weeks are entered into a draw to receive a golden token to visit the Book Vending Machine. This gives all pupils the chance to re-start and receive recognition for excellent attendance.


Termly Recognition

We like to encourage long term and sustainable improvement in attendance. We recognise how difficult it can be to improve and the commitment that is necessary. We set achievable targets over shorter periods of time for families engaging with an Attendance Improvement Plan with small rewards to aim for.


We always praise those pupils who always attend school as they should do and these pupils will have a chance of winning a much higher reward which changes termly! To be in with a chance, your child's attendance must be at 98-100% in the term. 


Important to note:

It is important to be aware that attendance is monitored fortnightly for all individuals. Absences can lead to penalty notices and court action. Please see our attendance policy for more details and actions taken for pupils with persistent absence (90% or below) or those with declining attendance and approaching becoming a persistent absentee.